all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 7AA 2 56.394121 -3.421223
PH2 7AB 1 56.394743 -3.421021
PH2 7AE 0 56.394407 -3.418983
PH2 7AF 0 56.395673 -3.41592
PH2 7AG 1 56.394558 -3.417547
PH2 7AJ 0 56.39301 -3.418559
PH2 7AL 0 56.391679 -3.415529
PH2 7AN 0 56.392345 -3.420122
PH2 7AQ 1 56.393466 -3.420309
PH2 7AR 1 56.388781 -3.416782
PH2 7AS 0 56.389221 -3.416782
PH2 7AT 0 56.389908 -3.413244
PH2 7AW 0 56.390656 -3.416252
PH2 7AY 0 56.387139 -3.417288
PH2 7BA 2 56.390465 -3.418756
PH2 7BB 1 56.388931 -3.419298
PH2 7BD 0 56.391469 -3.419781
PH2 7BE 0 56.394313 -3.41459
PH2 7BG 1 56.400261 -3.417808
PH2 7BH 1 56.400361 -3.41214